About Me

I was born and raised in Fredericton, New Brunswick and studied Civil Engineering at UNB (Bachelor's) and Waterloo (Master's). My thesis topic for my Master's degree was "Nitrification in chloraminated drinking water distribution systems". Now I'm working for ADI Systems in the field of industrial wastewater treatment.

Aside from professional topics, I'm interested in travel, making stuff (e.g. woodworking—although my skills are very modest compared to some of my family members—and 3D printing), and all kinds of science, math, and technology. I'm fascinated by emergent phenomenon and certain facets of history. Languages are another interest of mine, although English is the only one I really speak; I've studied French in grade school, taken some Arabic courses in university, had some house-mates teach me the Korean alphabet, and picked up a few Spanish phrases from travelling. I appreciate experiencing other cultures—especially the foods! Some of the Psalms in the Bible speak to me like little else. Outdoors, I enjoy hiking, camping, biking, and kayaking (or any kind of boating). Expect any or all of these topics to appear from time to time on this blog.

If you want to get in touch with me, you can do so via LinkedIn.