New Year, New Format

Regular readers will have noticed that it looks different around here now. Read on for a few details.

There was an update to the Ghost blogging platform that my previous theme wasn't compatible with. So I reverted to the default "Casper" theme, which looks slick enough that I'll probably stick with it for a while (I'd also considered the "Attila" theme for a closer match to the one I had before).

The other change that I want to mention is that I'm planning to cut back my posting frequency to just once or twice per month (instead of trying to have something new every week to ten days). This will hopefully allow me to focus more on quality over quantity*, and perhaps (it's shaping up to be a busy year in terms of other commitments, though) also to make some progress on a book I'm trying to write.

* so far I have at least a few good ideas for in-depth posts in 2020, so stay tuned!

And the new theme allows for unlimited scrolling through past posts, so the archive is more accessible now.
