A es para agua
This post is a collection of some Spanish wastewater-related vocabulary (I've previously done something similar in Arabic).
I've been trying to increase my knowledge of Spanish. This has been partly inspired by travelling and partly by my company having some projects in Latin America. I've been using the app Duolingo on my phone, but that doesn't cover the kind of technical vocabulary that is relevant to the latter reason.
One of my co-workers loaned me this glossary; I've selected the words/phrases listed below from it to study.
- acid-forming bacteria = bacterias formadoras de ácidos
- activated sludge = lodos activados
- activated carbon = carbón activado
- alkalinity = alcalinidad
- algal bloom = floración de algas
- backwashing = lavado a contracorriente
- BOD (biological oxygen demand) = demanda bioquímica de oxígeno
- biofilm = zooglea / película biológica
- bypass = paso
- cake = torta
- chemical precipitation = precipitación química
- clarifier = clarificador
- composite sample = muestra compuesta
- design criteria = criterios de diseño
- detention time = tiempo de detención
- dewatering = deshidratación
- diffused air = aire difuso
- discharge = descarga
- elbow = codo
- endogenous respiration = respiración endógena
- energy audit = auditoría del uso de energía
- facultative = facultativo
- filter = filtro
- flame arrester = apagallamas/arrestallamas
- floating cover = cubierta flotante
- flow = flujo/caudal
- grease and oil = grasa y aceite
- grit = arena
- hydraulic head = carga hidráulica
- headworks = obras de toma / obras de cabecera
- heat exchanger = intercambiador de calor
- industrial wastewater = aguas residuales industriales
- inlet = entrada
- ion exchange = intercambio iónico
- irrigation = riego
- jet = chorro
- kinetics = cinética
- laboratory procedures = procedimientos de laboratorio
- lagoon = laguna
- leakage = fuga
- lining = revestimiento
- mass balance = balance de masas
- methane = metano
- methane bacteria = bacterias metanogénicas
- MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids) = sólios en suspensión en el licor mezclado
- nitrification = nitrificación
- nozzle = boquilla
- nutrient = nutriente
- odour control = control de olores
- oxidation = oxidación
- ozone = ozono
- pathogens = patógenos
- peak load = carga máxima
- permeability = permeabilidad
- pipe = tubo
- polishing = afinamiento
- pump = bomba*
- rate = taza/razón
- raw wastewater = aguas residuales crudas
- reuse = reuso de aguas residuales
- screening = tamizado
- screen = reja
- settling = sedimentación
- sludge blanket = manto de lodos
- sump = pozo colector
- supernatant = sobrenadante
- thermophilic digestion = digestión termofílica
- titration = titulación
- toxicity = toxicidad
- ultrafiltration = ultrafiltración
- UV radiation = radiación ultravioleta
- unit operations = operaciones unitarias
- upflow = flujo ascendente
- valve = válvula*
- viscosity = viscosidad
- VSS (volatile suspended solids) = sólidos volátiles en suspensión
- waste = residuo/desecho
- waste-gas burner = quemador del gas del digestor
- wet well = pozo sumidero
- yield = rendimiento
- zero-discharge = descarga cero
* There are many different kinds of pumps and valves, so I've included the pages with those terms for reference rather than listing them all.
The above list has 80 terms in total. There were none starting with Q or X that were relevant, which reflects letter frequencies. I should have noted whether each term in Spanish was masculine or feminine, and whether they were nouns, verbs, etc. (most are nouns).
The glossary was published in 1998, so there are not many terms related to MBR (biorreactor de membrana) technology. I've also added a few extra terms (using Google Translate) that also weren't entries in the glossary:
- tank = tanque
- blower = soplador
- water = agua
- wastewater treatment = tratamiento de aguas residuales