2015 Year in Review
As I did last year, I wanted to finish this year with a retrospective post.
This year, I'm most proud of posts where I did some original analysis or promoted some local places/ideas:
- Looking at changes in water quality along the Rio Grande.
- The NB Provincial budget—this post was popular on Facebook.
- Rainfall trends in the Olympic Peninsula.
- Mapping Hyla Park, in Fredericton.
- A suggestion to rebuild Ft. Nashwaak, in Fredericton.
I'd consider these my Top 5 posts of the year.
I also made a minimalist map of the US Interstate system, a demonstration of cellular automata in an Excel spreadsheet, and some introductory/reference descriptions on the mathematics of tiling and non-parametric statistics.
I'm fond of this post on significant rivers around the world that I put a click-bait style headline on.
Travelling to Seattle and the Pacific Northwest was one of the year's highlights for me.
I was writing about the refugee/migration crises back in May.
This year, I also wrote reviews about books by Nate Silver, Freya Stark, and David Knight and about the pre-contact Americas and ocean wave dynamics.
2016 will be a new adventure. I don't know yet what it will hold, but I have some goals to practice some languages and get out on some kayaking day-trips and other outdoor adventures—and I also have a reading list started. So there shouldn't be any shortage of material to blog about!
Here is the complete list of posts from 2015 on my blog:
- GHOST_URL/les-villes-de-lhiver/
- GHOST_URL/cartier-champlain-laval/
- GHOST_URL/pedestrian-friendly-cities/
- GHOST_URL/a-taxonomy-of-cheese/
- GHOST_URL/water-quality-profile-along-an-entire-river/
- GHOST_URL/2015-industrial-and-commercial-water-reuse-conference/
- GHOST_URL/economic-development-ideas-for-nb/
- GHOST_URL/nate-silvers-signal-and-noise/
- GHOST_URL/7-excel-functions-and-features-to-know/
- GHOST_URL/mandelbrot-set-in-excel/
- GHOST_URL/orphan-black-is-almost-back/
- GHOST_URL/dont-be-bored-game/
- GHOST_URL/nb-budget-2015-by-the-numbers/
- GHOST_URL/ticket-to-rides-adjacency-matrix/
- GHOST_URL/understanding-orp/
- GHOST_URL/27-rivers-to-know/
- GHOST_URL/vox-maps/
- GHOST_URL/canada-wide-science-fair-2015/
- GHOST_URL/humanity-on-the-move/
- GHOST_URL/a-simple-spreadsheet-app/
- GHOST_URL/art-masterworks-and-lexperience-de-la-riviere-nahanni/
- GHOST_URL/a-minimalist-map-of-the-us-interstate-system/
- GHOST_URL/cellular-automata-in-excel/
- GHOST_URL/the-americas-before-1492/
- GHOST_URL/3d-printed-cactus-pot-2/
- GHOST_URL/3-neat-infographics/
- GHOST_URL/introduction-to-non-parametric-statistics/
- GHOST_URL/nb-day-2015/
- GHOST_URL/rebuild-fort-nashwaak/
- GHOST_URL/3d-printing-as-a-service/
- GHOST_URL/southwest-miramichi/
- GHOST_URL/the-operative-from-serenity/
- GHOST_URL/oregon-trail/
- GHOST_URL/seattle-trip-2015/
- GHOST_URL/the-rains-of-quinault/
- GHOST_URL/weftec-2015/
- GHOST_URL/mapping-hyla-park/
- GHOST_URL/footbridges-and-boardwalks-of-nb/
- GHOST_URL/downstream-from-eden-by-david-knight/
- GHOST_URL/a-tiling-primer/
- GHOST_URL/a-winter-in-arabia/
- GHOST_URL/economic-dashboard/
- GHOST_URL/the-waves-shape-the-shore-and-the-shore-shapes-the-waves/
- GHOST_URL/influence-of-water-quality-on-nitrifier-regrowth/
- GHOST_URL/2015-year-in-review/